Weekend knitting retreat

IMG_9709September, 2014

At some point, Sammi decided that we all needed a little retreat.  She had been looking at Air B&B for places to stay while she did a class at Haliburton School of the Arts and, deciding that cottages might not work out for that purpose, chose one that might be nice for us to go to.  IMG_9237

Being the people that we are, and knowing that at least part of the point of of going to a cottage is to be bored, we decided to bring crafting projects along with us.  I (cassie) had recently finished my yellow/green shawl and Sammi had knit one super fast.  Mom was also looking for a project the she could make with some “art wool” for the speavers (Peterborough Hand Weavers and Spinners Guild).image

Candace bought wool before the trip because she wanted to try out the shawl pattern too.  One day we went to a wool shop while in Halliburton and Sammi couldn’t resist, but buy some wool to make a second one. Her shawl started at the cottage was obviously finished before anyone else’s.  So everyone worked on the shawl pattern.

imageAnyway, the cottage was sweet and just enough space for us.  We did all of the cottage-y things available to us: canoe with a hole, paddle boat that went in circles, walk to natural pond where we touched small creatures…10Oct31 164there was even a nice platform by the water where we had a few yoga sessions.  Mostly we ate and worked on our projects.  The shawl pattern is great because it works with all types of wool, giving a different but IMG_9287pleasing result.  Since I had finished my shawl and could not find the pattern for the socks I’m working on, I quilted.  I still consider the cottage time to be a knitting retreat.    Sammi getting Candace startedimageIMG_9606imageIMG_9615

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