It’s a squirrel.

It used to be a rock (well It didn’t occur to me to take a picture of the rock before I started carving, but you get the idea).

How did this happen?
Well, a woman I know that happens to be a busy lawyer (a lovely woman, who I am very grateful for and to) had signed up for a week long class with Zimart. As she was very busy, she offered me to take over the class for her. I was able to rearrange my schedule so that I could have 3 days of the week off to be at the class for those days. Since I was only going to be there for a few days. I searched the rock pile and found a relatively soft one (I believe that it is some type of serpentine) which I thought was in the shape of some type of animal (or I could see a little being inside the rock). I thought that it was probably a dragon or a sea serpent and I began carving. As I explained it to the artist in residence for my group, Simon Chidharara (a sweet guy, who is a powerhouse with the carving), it somehow became a rat, then a squirrel. Knowing that I had little time to work on it, I had to just go with it. I focused and worked hard, then the squirrel was revealed before the three days were up. The best part is buffing up you little creation with the power of fire. I recommend trying the class if you have the money. As long as you work a little harder than you socialize, you should come away with a piece of art, especially since the artists-in-residence are very skilled and can usually smooth over any mistake you make.