Hearts and Anchors Toque

TouquesanchorsandheartstoqueheartsanchorsThis is my Hearts and Anchors Toque.  Designed and knitted by myself with consultations and design help from my sister, Cassandra Shaw.  I wanted to use up several ends of balls of wool from previous toques and wanted to try to design knitted pictures myself.  This was the outcome.  No pictures of the finished product, but here it is with the main part of the design finished.

Hand-Spun Knitted Hat and Scarf

I dyed the unspun wool with Kool-Aid, and then I spun it in rainbow order.   Then I knit the scarf.  I thought I would make a hat to match and knit it from the pattern in this Pattons knitting book.  The pattern is actually a Fair Isle pattern, but I just knit it all from my rainbow wool.

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This is the same pattern (with the Fair Isle pattern).  This hand spun wool was dyed with Black Walnuts, Onion Skins and Goldenrod.

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hand-spun knitted hat and scarf.